Our Experts We offer highly specialized transportation expertise to support legal teams.

Kittelson LLC staff conducts nationally and internationally applied research that defines industry practice and performance standards. A wealth of ongoing field experience throughout the country—as well as our research activities for agencies such as the Federal Highway Administration, the Strategic Highway Research Program, and the National Academy of Sciences—ensures that our technical analyses and interpretations are based on relevant and state-of-the-art transportation theory and practice.

Meet the Team

Joseph Blaschke, DEng, PE

Senior Principal Engineer

  • Highway and Street Design
  • Railroad Grade Crossings
  • Roadside Safety Design
  • Traffic Signal Design and Operation
  • Temporary Traffic Control
Chris Brehmer

Chris Brehmer, PE

Principal Engineer

  • Traffic Control Devices
  • Site Access Design and Circulation
  • Railroad Grade Crossings
  • Land Use/Transportation Integration
  • Traffic Impact Analysis
Marc Butorac

Marc Butorac, PE, PTOE, PMP

President, Senior Principal Engineer

  • Access (Driveways)
  • Parking Circulation and Design
  • Eminent Domain
  • Traffic Engineering
Kristine Connolly

Kristine Connolly, PE

Senior Engineer

  • Site Access Design and Circulation
  • Traffic Impact Analysis
  • Land Use/Transportation Integration
  • Parking
  • Traffic Control Devices
  • Sight Distance

John Mason, Jr., PhD, PE

Senior Principal Engineer

  • Highway and Street Design Policy and Procedures
  • Intersections and Interchange Design
  • Roadway and Roadside Safety
  • Historical/Current Road Design Criteria
  • Traffic Engineering and Safety Analysis

H. Gene Hawkins, Jr., PhD, PE

Senior Principal Engineer

  • Traffic Engineering Policy, Standards, and Guidelines
  • Traffic Control Infrastructure
  • Retroreflectivity and Visibility of Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings
  • Road Design
  • Driver Response to Traffic Control Devices
  • Traffic Signal Design
  • Work Zone Traffic Control
  • Freeway Operations
  • Historical Aspects of Transportation Engineering

Ceasar Juarez

Forensic Technician

  • Crash Reconstruction
  • Point Cloud Scanning
  • Event Data Recorder Download

Kelly Laustsen, PE

Associate Engineer

  • Access (Driveways)
  • Parking Circulation and Design
  • Eminent Domain
  • Traffic Engineering
  • Sight Distance
Dallas Little, Senior Principal Engineer, Kittelson LLC

Dallas Little, PhD, PE

Senior Principal Engineer

  • Concrete Pavement Design, Performance, Forensics, and Construction
  • Concrete Materials Characterization
  • Pavement Environmental Impacts

Mike McInturff, PE, PTOE

Principal Engineer

  • Eminent Domain Proceedings
  • Site Access Design and Circulation
  • Traffic Control Devices
  • Traffic Impact Analysis
  • Intersection Design

Richard Moore

Crash Reconstruction Expert/Private Investigator

  • Crash Reconstruction
  • EDR and Heavy Vehicle ECM Analysis
  • Point Cloud Scanning
  • Human Factors Analysis
  • Expert Testimony

Abby Morgan, PhD, PE

Associate Engineer

  • Tire Safety
  • Advanced Driver Assist Systems
  • Emerging Technologies

Edward Myers, PE

Senior Principal

  • Roundabouts
  • Intersection Operations and Safety
  • Ped/Bike Operations and Safety
  • Geometric Design
  • Traffic Control Devices

Martin T. Pietrucha, PhD, PE

Senior Principal Engineer

  • Human Factors (traffic operations and safety)
  • Pedestrian Design, Operations, and Safety
  • Bicyclist Design, Operations, and Safety
  • Alternative Transportation Planning and Alternative Modes
  • Transportation Policy
  • Transportation Funding and Financing
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
Glenn Rowe

Glenn Rowe, PE

Senior Principal Engineer

  • Traffic Operations
  • Access Management
  • Signing & Pavement Markings
  • Temporary Traffic Control
  • Oversized/Overweight Vehicle Permitting
  • Traffic Engineering
Nicholas Schlechte, Crash Reconstruction Expert, Kittelson LLC

Nicholas Schlechte

Crash Reconstruction Expert

  • Crash Reconstruction
  • Point Cloud Scanning
  • Event Data Recorder Download
  • Computer-Aided Drafting Design
  • Production Services

Randy Schulze, PE, PTOE, PTP

Senior Principal

  • Driver Response & Sight Distance
  • Highway & Street Design
  • Intersection Design
  • Pavement Markings
  • Temporary Traffic Control
  • Traffic Engineering

Daniel Slick

Senior Principal

  • Commercial Vehicle Driver and Carrier Regulatory Compliance
  • Post-Crash Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Inspections
Hermanus Steyn

Hermanus Steyn, PrEng, PE

Principal Engineer

  • Highway and Street Design
  • Roundabouts
  • Bicycles
  • Pedestrians
  • Sight Distance
Gary Thomas

Gary Thomas, PhD, PE

Principal Engineer

  • Crash Reconstruction
  • Traffic Control Devices
  • Traffic Signal Design and Operation
  • Roadway Design
  • Temporary Traffic Control
Chris Tiesler

Chris Tiesler, PE, PTOE

Principal Engineer

  • Traffic Operations
  • Traffic Control Devices
  • Site Access Design and Circulation
  • Traffic Impact Analysis
  • Intersection Design

Gerald L. Ullman, PhD, PE


  • Work Zone Traffic Control
  • Work Zone Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Traffic Engineering
  • Human Factors
Dan Zollinger, Senior Principal Engineer, Kittelson LLC

Dan Zollinger, PhD, PE, FACI

Senior Principal Engineer

  • Concrete Pavement Design, Performance, Forensics, and Construction
  • Concrete Materials Characterization
  • Pavement Environmental Impacts