National Research Publications

Kittelson LLC experts have prepared over 90 national research publications including numerous design and operations oriented guidebooks and manuals.   These publication relate to many of the issues that arise in tort liability and eminent domain cases across the United States. The following is a list of those publications.

Highway Capacity Manual (A publication of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science in the United States)

  • 2000
  • 2010
  • 6th Edition (2016)

Traffic Signal Timing Manual (A publication of the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration)

  • 1st Edition (2008)
  • 2nd Edition (2015)

AASHTO[1] Highway Safety Manual (A publication of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials)

  • 1st Edition (2010 with a 2014 update)

Transit Capacity & Quality of Service Manual (A publication of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science, Transit Cooperative Research Program in the United States)

  • 1st Edition (1999)
  • 2nd Edition (2003)
  • 3rd Edition (2013

Roundabouts: An Informational Guide (A publication of the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration)

  • FHWA[2]: 1st Edition (2000)
  • NCHRP[3] Report 672: 2nd Edition (2010)

NCHRP Report 900: Guide for the Analysis of Multimodal Corridor Access Management (2018)

NCHRP Report 893: Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analysis (2018)

NCHRP Web-Only Document 256: Assessing Interactions Between Access Management Treatments and Multimodal Users (2018)

NCHRP Web-Only Document 255: Improved Analysis of Two-Lane Highway Capacity and Operational Performance (2018)

NCHRP Report 852: Method Selection for Travel Forecasting – User Guide (2017)

NCHRP Web-Only Document 234: Developing a Method Selection Tool for Travel Forecasting (2017)

NCHRP Web-Only Document 229: Methods and Technologies for Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection: Phase 2 (2017)

NCHRP Report 841: Development of Crash Modification Factors for Uncontrolled Pedestrian Crossing Treatments (2017)

NCHRP Synthesis 507: Traffic Signal Preemption at Intersections Near Highway-Rail Grade Crossings (2017)

TCRP[4] Report 192: Decision-Making Toolbox to Plan and Manage Park-and-Ride Facilities for Public Transportation (2017)

FHWA Guidebook for Developing Pedestrian and Bicycle Performance Measures (2016)

FHWA Use of Freeway Shoulders for Travel: Guide for Planning, Evaluating, and Designing Part-Time Shoulder Use as a Traffic Management Strategy (2016)

FHWA Use of Narrow Lanes and Narrow Shoulders on Freeways: A Primer on Experiences, Current Practice, and Implementation Considerations (2016)

NCHRP Report 834: Crossing Solutions at Roundabouts and Channelized Turn Lanes for Pedestrians with Vision Disabilities (2016)

NCHRP Report 825: Planning and Preliminary Engineering Applications Guide to the Highway Capacity Manual (2016)

NCHRP Synthesis 488: Roundabout Practices (2016)

NCHRP Web-Only Document 220: Estimating the Life-Cycle Cost of Intersection Designs (2016)

TCRP Report 183: A Guidebook on Transit-Supportive Roadway Strategies (2016)

TCRP Web-Only Document 66: Improving Transportation Network Efficiency Through Implementation of Transit-Supportive Roadway Strategies (2016)

NCHRP Report 803: Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Along Existing Roads – ActiveTrans Priority Tool Guidebook (2015)

NCHRP Web-Only Document 220: Estimating the Life-Cycle Cost of Intersection Designs (2015)

FHWA Incorporating Travel-Time Reliability into the Congestion Management Process: A Primer (2015)

FHWA Accelerating Roundabouts in the United States: Volume I of VII – Evaluation of Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons (RRFB) at Multilane Roundabouts (2015)

FHWA Accelerating Roundabouts in the United States: Volume II of VII – Assessment of Roundabout Capacity Models for the Highway Capacity Manual (2015)

FHWA Accelerating Roundabouts in the United States: Volume III of VII – Assessment of the Environmental Characteristics of Roundabouts (2015)

FHWA Accelerating Roundabouts in the United States: Volume IV of VII – A Review of Fatal and Severe Injury Crashes at Roundabouts (2015)

FHWA Accelerating Roundabouts in the United States: Volume V of VII – Evaluation of Geometric Parameters That Affect Truck Maneuvering and Stability (2015)

FHWA Accelerating Roundabouts in the United States: Volume VI of VII – Investigation of Crosswalk Design and Driver Behaviors (2015)

FHWA Accelerating Roundabouts in the United States: Volume VII of VII – Human Factor Assessment of Traffic Control Device Effectiveness (2015)

SHRP2[5] S2 Designing the Archive for SHARP2 Reliability and Reliability-Related Data (2015)

SHRP2 C05 Guide to Understanding the Contributions of Operations, Technology, and Design to Meeting Highway Capacity Needs (2014)

SHRP2 L02 Guide to Establishing Monitoring Programs for Travel Time Reliability (2014)

SHRP2 L08 Guide to Incorporating Travel Time Reliability into the Highway Capacity Manual (2014)

SHRP2 L17 A Framework for Improving Travel Time Reliability (2014)

FHWA Diverging Diamond Interchange Informational Guide (2014)

FHWA Median U-Turn Informational Guide (2014)

NCHRP Report 797: Guidebook on Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection (2014)

NCHRP Report 772: Evaluating the Performance of Corridors with Roundabouts (2014)

NCHRP Report 785: Performance-Based Analysis of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (2014)

SHRP2 L11 Evaluating Alternative Operations Strategies to Improve Travel Time Reliability (2013)

SHRP2 L03 Analytical Procedures for Determining the Impacts of Reliability Mitigation Strategies (2013)

SHRP2 Presentation Guide: Operations in the 21st Century DOT: Meeting Customer Expectations (2013)

SHRP2 L08 Proposed Chapters for Incorporating Travel Time Reliability into the Highway Capacity Manual (2013)

FHWA Guide for Highway Capacity and Operations Analysis of Active Transportation and Demand Management Strategies (2013)

FHWA Making the Connection: Advancing Traffic Incident Management in Transportation Planning – A Primer (2013)

NCHRP Synthesis 447: Active Traffic Management for Arterials (2013)

NCHRP Synthesis 427: Extent of Highway Capacity Manual Use in Planning (2012)

TCRP Report 153: Guidelines for Providing Access to Public Transportation Stations (2012)

NACTO[6] Urban Bikeway Design Guide (2012)

FHWA The Role of Transportation Systems Management & Operations in Supporting Livability and Sustainability: A Primer (2012)

NCHRP Report 674: Crossing Solutions at Roundabouts and Channelized Turn Lanes for Pedestrians with Vision Disabilities (2011)

NCHRP Report 687: Guidelines for Ramp and Interchange Spacing (2011)

NCHRP Report 707: Guidelines on the Use of Auxiliary Through Lanes at Signalized Intersections (2011)

FHWA Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations: The Building Blocks of a Model Transportation Plan Incorporating Operations—A Desk Reference (2010)

TCRP Report 141: A Methodology for Performance Measurement and Peer Comparison in the Public Transportation Industry (2010)

NCHRP Web-Only Document 158: Field Test Results of the Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets (2010)

FHWA Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections, Technical Summary (2009)

FHWA Mini Roundabouts, Technical Summary (2009)

FHWA Roundabouts, Technical Summary (2009)

FHWA Traffic Signal Operations and Maintenance Staffing Guidelines (2009)

FHWA Regional Traffic Signal Operations Programs: An Overview (2009)

FHWA Applying Analysis Tools in Planning for Operations: Case Study #2–Incorporating Highway Capacity Manual Procedures into Long-Range Transportation Planning (2009)

TCRP Literature Review for Providing Access to Public Transportation Stations (2009)

FTA[7] Transit Signal Priority Research Tools (2008)

NCHRP Report 616: Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets (2008)

NCHRP Report 613: Guidelines for Selection of Speed Reduction Treatments at High-Speed Intersections (2008)

NCHRP Report 599: Default Values for Highway Capacity and Level of Service Analyses (2008)

NCHRP Project 3-75: Analysis of Freeway Weaving Sections, Final Report (2008)

TCRP Report 126: Leveraging ITS Data for Transit Market Research: A Practitioner’s Guidebook (2008)

FHWA Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume VI: Definition, Interpretation, And Calculation of Traffic Analysis Tools Measures of Effectiveness (2007)

NCHRP Report 572: Roundabouts in the United States (2007)

NCHRP Web-Only Document 94: Appendices to NCHRP Report 572: Roundabouts in the United States (2007)

TCRP Report 118: Bus Rapid Transit Practitioner’s Guide (2007)

FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines (2006)

TCRP Report 116: Guidebook for Evaluating, Selecting, and Implementing Suburban Transit Services (2006)

NCHRP Report 535: Predicting Air Quality Effects of Traffic Flow Improvements (2005)

NCHRP Synthesis 351: Access Rights (2005)

FHWA Signalized Intersections: An Informational Guide, 1st Edition (2004)

FHWA Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software (2004)

FHWA Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Software (2004)

FHWA Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume V: Traffic Analysis Tools Case Studies – Benefits and Applications (2004)

NCHRP Synthesis 332: Access Locations on Crossroads in the Vicinity of Interchanges (2004)

NCHRP Report 493: Evaluation of Traffic Signal Displays for Protected/Permissive Left-Turn Control (2003)

TCRP Report 88: A Guidebook for Developing a Transit Performance-Measurement System (2003)

NCHRP Report 387: Planning Techniques to Estimate Speeds and Service Volumes for Planning Applications (1997)

NCHRP Web Document 5: Capacity and Level of Service at Unsignalized Intersections, Final Report, Volume 1 – Two-Way Stop-Controlled Intersections (1996)

NCHRP Web Document 6: Capacity and Level of Service at Unsignalized Intersections, Final Report, Volume 2 – All-Way Stop-Controlled Intersections (1996)

NCHRP Capacity and Level of Service at Unsignalized Intersections (1995)

[1] AASHTO – American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

[2] FHWA – Federal Highway Administration

[3] NCHRP – National Cooperative Highway Research Program

[4] TCRP – Transit Cooperative Research Program

[5] SHRP2 – Strategic Highway Research Program 2

[6] NACTO – National Association of City Transportation Officials

[7] FTA – Federal Transit Administration